EVOLVE Electrical Customer Ideas
Our products depend on your feedback. No idea is too small or too big, we want to know where to make improvements and what features mean the most to our end users. Our customers drive our road map, thanks for sharing!
Annotations for Families / Schedules / Details - All Needs to be Uppercase
Any annotation that gets placed on any sheet needs to be uppercase only with all the same font and text sizes on everything. The uppercase text is a drafting standard ...
Wall Hangers for Cable Tray/Conduits
Reduces having to create hangers out of strut lengths and fittings. Could also show up with hanger schedules without special filtering to capture strut lengths used ...
True Back-To-Back 90s
The ability to add 2 bends in one stick of conduit would be useful. Similar to kick 90s.
Add gripple options for Trapeze hanger.
Our company is starting to use gripple supports for conduit trapeze hangers instead of using rod. Is this an option you can add to the current trapeze hangers or make ...
Cable Tray Physical Size
Cable tray physical size is needed for coordination. Currently the tray is exact size to the trade size name.
Basket Tray min, 1" sides and bottom.
Ladder Tray min, ...
Masonry In-Wall Assemblies
Masonry assemblies for inside CMU walls. Include masonry box options, conduit sizes 3/4" - 1-1/4", 30" or 40" conduit cut increments, set screw or compression, ...
Show the slotted strut in the trapeze family or set the formula into Rod offset parameter
currently there is no way to set Rod offset value to just a right amount such that the rod slides through the slot in the strut. Neither the trapeze family shows the ...
Conduit bends need a parameter that tell you either TOC or BOC
Since kicks and offsets have different heights at either end it is difficult to use a single tag to label conduit ID, Size and height. This is especially hard to tag ...
Add liquid filled transformer family
site underground models can be accurate
B-Line BCTS Conduit Supports
For branch conduit this type of support is easier for the field to install. Less parts for the field to handle.
5" and 6" EMT Factory Elbows
Provide families that would represent 5" and 6" EMT factory bends, currently these stop at 4"
add TB condulets and X condulets
could you please add a TB option for the T condulets and add a X condulet family
Add Caddy CCT conduit trapeze to trapeze family or make separate family
These trapeze brackets are nice since you don't need to worry about strut straps. They are made by Caddy and SP products (there may be others). If they were in the ...
Add CustomID to 3D hanger view
Flying through Navisworks, the foremen can see the CustomID of each hanger so they can easily associate the prefab hanger schedule information to locations in the model.
Mark 1 dot indicator on offset, stub 90 or kick 90 bend on a 10-foot conduit stick
This would allow prefab to know exactly which end of the 10-foot conduit stick to place Mark 1 on, to start the bend. If you were to have a nose lengh of 5 feet, ...
More Hanger Tiers
I have believe that we need more tiers than just 4 even if they have no hardware. My company is having to use 8 tier hangers which is making us not be able to use ...
Add divider option for junction boxes
Parameter check box to add one or more dividers, and their spacing from the edge of the box. Dividers will also appear in BOMs.
4 sq boxes need to have conduit connectors on all KOs
Currenlty the 4in Square family only has no way to connect conduit to the box, this stops the run id and adds extras steps when trying to continue conduit runs.
Auto Mounting Height
If mounting heights for junction/pull-through boxes could be workplane based or have the option for "level above" that would streamline placing them and eliminate the ...
Add "minimum strut length" and "match strut length to longest trapeze on run" options in the Hanger
When it comes to Pre-Fab, cutting one length of strut for an entire run is more efficient. Also, instead of sorting through pallets of different pre-cut strut lengths ...
Rod Length Rounding (Assemblies)
Add rod length rounding parameter to all applicable assemblies (Threaded rod assembly, junction box assembly, etc.)
Weather Head Family
Service entrance weather head
Adjustable Hardware on Underground Strut Rack Family
If you change one of the supports on the underground strut rack family to back to back strut, the hardware for it to attach doesn't change. It stays as a 1" bolt ...
Would like to see J-Hooks added to the electrical browser
J-hooks for cables, usually these are used where cable tray does not fit. They are place against the wall. They come in different sized from 1" to 6" ect.
Busduct Layout Tool
Could we possibly have a busway layout tool added. There is a Revit addin by Scheider Electric called LayoutFAST. On the bus duct family(It is a Cable Tray system) ...
Hilti Cast-In Sleeve Improvements
Add imbedded layout point within Cast-In Sleeve family. Also add in CP 680-P Extension Tube parameter option within Cast-In Sleeve family for when extensions are needed.
PVC 90's With FA Connectors
Build option to place nested FA connectors into PVC 90's similar to functionality of RMC 90's.
Add a cover to wireways
Add an instance parameter to show a cover on wireways
Add Layout Points to the corners of the Equipment Concrete Pad Family (eE_EQ_Pad_v2)
Add Layout Points to the corners of the concrete pad family.
Add combination strut option (P1001B - 1-5/8" x 3-1/4", Front to Back or similar) to hanger families.
Trapeze hide rods, add window clamps
On Trapeze families, all rods should have a visibility setting to turn them on or off. Only the center rod can be turned on and off right now. This has came about ...
Added Clearance on all sides of the Switchboard Family
It would be helpful to have an option to be able to turn on an off a clearance for the sides and back of Switchboards that require access.
Chase Nipple Options
Add nested lock ring and plastic screw on bushing options to Chase Nipple family
NEMA 3R Doors for Switchboards
Add a yes/no type parameter to the Switchboard family to add NEMA 3R doors to the front of the switchboard. Add a depth parameter to adjust the depth of the doors. ...
Unistrut Plastic Colored End Cap Family
Add yes/no parameter to existing nested snap in end cap family to change end cap to the plastic squishy type (these are more used for safety purposes instead of being ...
Allow fixture families to host to a reference plane
Have the evolve fixture families be able to host to a reference plane so they can be placed independent of the ceiling height. Sometimes we do not receive updates to ...
Wiremold 4000 and 6000 Series families
Create Wiremold 4000 and 6000 Series family catalog, schedules, etc. so that Wiremold builds can be spooled through eVolve.
Parts and Pieces
additional parts that should be in eVolve
KO Seals
Single MC Connectors
Duplex MC Connectors (snap in and standard)
Plastic Bushings - should change with trade ...
Add the 3 d submittal text to the plan view for equipment and light fixtures.
It is nice that you have the Check box or X that shows in 3d whther or not the submittal is approved but it would be even better if it showed in plan view so that ...
Add B22B configuration to strut family
add B22B config to strut family
Adding a grip to the offset family
Adding a grip to the slope of an offset to manually adjust where the slope of the offset is supposed to be.
add adjustable clearance to 4 sqaure/ 4-11 boxes.
add clearance box to 4 square, and 4-11 boxes so other trades don't run underneath.
Make bend coupling and straight coupling have same split.
The spacing in the middle of the EMT set screw couplings are not the same for bends vs straight pieces. This goofs up the cut list in the spooling process.
eE_CF_Pulling_L Alignment slightly off
the conduit currently connects to a gap off of the pull 90
eE_CF_CrouseHinds_Conduit_Sealing_Ftg_EYS_VF_CH is set as an elbow when it should be a union
Was messing around with this evolve family and it kept removing itself from my runs when i connected them to the entire line and they were in a stretch of straight ...
Have the embeds in the hanger families rotate like the beam clamps
Right now the embed are locked parallel with the direction the hanger is facing. would be nice if there was a checkbox that could switch it to perpendicular to fit in ...
Trapeze rod delete
It would be helpful if we could select if a rod existed on a trapeze. This would allow two separate trapezes to share a single support rod
Add labels for conduit fittings and flex to include eE_ConduitRun_Id and eE_ConduitRun_ParallelQty
Add the labels: eE_ConduitRun_Id and eE_ConduitRun_ParallelQty to conduit fittings.
These tags are available on conduits but not on conduit fittings or on flex. ...