Annotations for Families / Schedules / Details - All Needs to be Uppercase

57 votes

Any annotation that gets placed on any sheet needs to be uppercase only with all the same font and text sizes on everything. The uppercase text is a drafting standard (ASME Standard ) and has been around for years and I really wish Evolve would change this. We have just started using Evolve and we are starting to produce sheets for install and noticed a huge error on the annotation side. All tags that evolve produces is very inconsistent and uses both upper and lower case text on the same tag. We have company standards and this is a huge red flag for us and we will have to produce our own tags for this until this get fixed. Same with all the schedules that Evolve produces, I haven't found a way to change everything in the schedules yet and it makes our drawings look very inconsistent.

Needs more information or votes Content Suggested by: Brian Jones Upvoted: 30 Jan Comments: 2

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