Place Connectors Button
Automatically size and place connectors on selected end of conduit run.
I see this being a huge time saver when we have multiple conduits entering / exiting a junction box.
Comments: 4
10 Jan, '24
Eric Neville MergedAdd connectors to multiple conduits at once. Similar to the mult-trim tool but instead of trimming adding connectors to the ends of a group of selected conduits
15 Jan, '24
Adam Admin"Place connectors on Multiple conduits" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-01-10), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
22 Feb, '24
Eric Neville MergedPlace Connectors
22 Feb, '24
Jason Earl Admin"Add Connectors to multiple conduits at once. It would work similar to place unions." (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-02-22), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.